

Amara Bank Security Exam Result

It is known that Amara Bank has prepared and conducted a written test for Addis Ababa and regional branches based on the job advertisement for the position of security guard. Therefore, the result of the written test is 100% stated…

Awash Bank Call for Interview for Awash Ikhlas 2023

Awash Bank Call for Interview for Awash Ikhlas/Customer Service Officer I or Direct Sales Representative for IFB Branches Dear Applicants, Thank you for your interest to join Awash Bank. This is to inform you that interview sessions, for those who…

Evertop Sportswear PLC Vacancy Fresh Graduates

Evertop Sportswear Plc. is on the process of establishing a garment factory in Bole Lemi Industrial Park, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Evertop plans to manufacture wearing apparel for the export market. Evertop is looking for highly motivated and experienced personnel to…

HEYDAY Technology Vacancy Fresh Graduates

HEYDAY Technology, where we strive to provide for our customers IT training, Website development, and Data encoding, with the necessary technological skills for career success and the demands of digital transformation of our country. We can’t wait to see what…

National Bank of Ethiopia Vacancy 2023

National Bank of Ethiopia Job Vacancy

National Bank of Ethiopia was established in 1963 by proclamation 206 of 1963 and began operation in January 1964. Prior to this proclamation, the Bank used to carry out dual activities, i.e. commercial banking and central banking. The proclamation raised…

Hibret Bank Vacancy Jan 2023

Hibret Bank S.C. invites applicants who meet the following qualification and experience requirements to apply for the following vacant positions. United Bank S.C. also known as Hibret Bank began its operation in 1998 in accordance with the Commercial Code of…

Ethiopian Ministry Vacancy 2023

Ethiopian Ministry of Revenues invites fresh graduates and qualified applicants for the following jobs. CGPA for men 2.5 and above for women 2.2 and above. Candidates who have a diploma from a college or technical college should submit COC certificate…

Ethiopian Shipping Vacancy 2023

Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise Vacancy

Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Service Vacancy, Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise invites Fresh Graduate applicants for the following job position. The Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise (ESL for short) is the result of this merger. This newly amalgamated…

Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Service Vacancy 2023

Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise Vacancy

Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Service Vacancy, Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise invites Fresh Graduate applicants for the following job position. The Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise (ESL for short) is the result of this merger. This newly amalgamated…

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