Effectively Leadership Skills to succeed in our Dream Career
There are many studies and articles on leadership in the world. In the past, the notion of leadership emphasizes that leaders are nominated at an early age; this means that if you are not born a leader, your hope of becoming a leader is dark.
In the current context, as long as you pay the necessary effort and cost; with patience, diligence, and hard work you can be a true and effective leader.
Leadership means influence. Influence is a skill that can be developed. Leadership is a process of making a positive impact on people and making people fulfill their responsibilities willingly. To do this, it is necessary to follow the following different criterias and indications of successful leaders.
Effective communication with stakeholders needs to be developed before a leader begin any work. This leads to recognition. If the ability to lead is low, the impact may be less. Therefore, a leader must feel confident and secure.
Leadership is in the heart not in the head. This means not only to control but also good communication; A leader who fails to build a lasting relationship based on rock can not travel long and hard.
A leader’s greatness is measured, not by his authority, but by his ability to empower people. Success is a failure without successors.
Performs the following to properly lead followers
• Understand that people are a very precious resource
• Prioritize people
• Be a role model for others to follow
• Conducts leadership efforts on selected 20% of people
• Prepares key leaders for better opportunities
• Causes other influential partners
• sets yourself up around people who can be successful and role models.
One of the most important characteristics of a true and effective leader is that he or she is a complete person, that is, he or she can stand up for what he or she wants.
While skills and talents are important, the long road to success includes a good conscience, concern for the welfare of others, a willingness to do the right thing, and a commitment to others.
Let’s look at the reasons why the whole personality is important
• Whole personality builds faith
• Full personality helps us to have a greater impact
• The behavior of a leader determines the behavior of the institution; People’s thinking is changed by what they see, so it increases the degree of influence of our followers.
• Increases our level of full personality
• Full personality gives us a good reputation built on a solid foundation.
The answer to the following questions is whether we are building a whole personality.
• Are you the same person who is direct and unchanging?
• Do you make decisions that benefit people if there are choices that will benefit you?
• Do you believe that giving commendation is a way of commending others for your success?
It is often believed that the study and narrative of successful people, as well as the secrets of success, teach others. Knowing such a story can be a great help in preparing yourself for success.
On the other hand, studying and narrating the stories of weak and unsuccessful people and leaders has its benefits. Studying the reasons why a person may not be successful in his or her leadership position or the organization he or she is leading can help others prepare themselves and become better leaders.
In this regard, the following are the characteristics of 10 unsuccessful leaders
• They Believe they have an answer for everyone
• Failed Matching talking to doing
• Focus on criticism rather than solution
• Focus on instant successes
• Focus on weakness rather than strength
• Engage in confusing and arguing hard workers
• Inability to produce a leader
• Do not practice apologizing
• Incorrect classification
• Dislike gratitude
To sum up, leadership is an independent profession. Now more than ever, we can draw our wisdom from experience. There is a shortage of leaders in many sectors in the world today, and in the current economic and multi-sectorial activities of our country and the world, it requires significant participation for all to play a competent role.