Amara Bank Security Exam Result
It is known that Amara Bank has prepared and conducted a written test for Addis Ababa and regional branches based on the job advertisement for the position of security guard.
Therefore, the result of the written test is 100% stated below, and we inform you that you will be called in order based on the results of the written test obtained for the interview test.
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Amhara Bank is a share company with more than 170,000 shareholders contributing birr 4.8 billion in paid-up capital and birr 6.5 billion in signed capital. The bank’s ability to work together to develop a successful business venture and commercial bank service is reflected in its diversified ownership.
Amhara Bank aims to use the enabling conditions to provide an excellent service that appeals to the ever-diversifying and growing needs of customers that are demanding more from banks in the form of personalized and competitive banking services.
The Bank intends to provide a secure, responsive, dynamic, and conducive banking atmosphere to customers with a commitment to values and unshaken confidence, deploying the best technology, standards, processes, and procedures where customer convenience is our significant importance to increase the stakeholders’ value.
The banking industry is considered as one of the most significant drivers in strengthening the soundness of an economy in terms of investment, job creation, facilitating the circulation of funds nationally and globally. Similarly, Amhara Bank will play its part in facilitating savings, investment, job creation, economic growth, and is also enthusiastic in discharging its Corporate Social Responsibilities.